#CancelNetflix is not enough.
The movie #Cuties is not a Netflix production. It was screened at the Sundance Film Festival. It was not only welcomed, it was awarded.
A movie that clearly sexualizes and objectifies little girls was screened, welcomed, and celebrated at the Sundance Film Festival.
We live in a country that has fought over whether a child's body is worth protecting, of if it is discardable as a "choice," it's no wonder that our society would seem fertile ground to choose to use the bodies of children for financial and perverse gains.
If the people in charge of screening and awarding the film at the Sundance Film Festival are not fired and jailed for distributing child pornography, The Sundance Film Festival must be canceled and disbanded.
All related entities of Sundance must be canceled as well. If any part of the organization endorses #childporn, the whole organization and all of it's entities must be flushed down the drain.
Canceling Netflix is good. Netflix is a smut peddler that is dipping into PornHub territory. Their promotion and celebration, then their defense of, #childpornography shows this entity is lost, vile, and must be removed from all homes that respect the concept of protecting children.
I will say until I die...anyone...ANY ONE involved in this movie, be they writers, producers, camera men, crew, directors, editors, cast, extras, and most certainly the parents, must go to prison for exploitation of minor children, producing, developing, and distributing child pornography, and endangerment. If anyone attached to this film is not prosecuted for their abuse of these children, there is no justice in our world. These people being free is a threat to the children of our society.
ANY ONE involved in this movie, be they writers, producers, camera men, crew, directors, editors, cast, extras, and most certainly the parents, must go to prison for exploitation of minor children, producing, developing, and distributing child pornography, and endangerment.
The fact that many on the left are defending and excusing and attempting to explain away #CutiesonNetflix and the #childexploitation, shows where the extreme left is currently in our country.
The #slipperyslope is no longer conspiracy theory.
We're heading to the bottom. Fast.
We must work, no matter how much #Facebook or #Twiltter protect it by silencing voices, to combat child pornography and sexual exploitation tirelessly.
Molech and Ba'al are smiling as we continue to sacrifice our children and their innocence for gain and perversion.