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Partner With US


We rely on our partners' prayers and their financial gifts.

We appreciate every prayer and every financial gift. If all you can do is pray for us and our ministry, that is a huge blessing! If you can give one-time or monthly faith promises, you can join us in our work and reaching hurting survivors of trauma.

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Team Yes! And..
Our Faith Promise Partners

Your financial support means the world to us! It allows us to devote our time to ministry and to serving trauma survivors. We will minister both locally in the Chicago area, and also around the country. Your monthly Faith Promise allows us to plan our budget. So, whether a one-time or a monthly Faith Promise, every gift is a huge blessing for our ministry.

If you feel the Lord has given you a number that you're able to give to support, visit our page at:

This link takes you to our online giving page through the Assemblies of God.

If you prefer to support by check, you can mail it to:

AG US Missions

1445 N. Boonville Ave.

Springfield, MO 65802-2781

In the memo of the check, refer to our account number: 2A6446-2

Praying Hands
Praying Hands

Prayer Partners

Prayer is a blessing. As we unite in prayer, seeking God's will and direction, mountains move! Whether you can financially support or not, your prayer support will move mountains for us. 

If you'd like to join our prayer team and be kept in the loop about how to pray, click here:

Improv Missionaries Mail List

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